Showing 3 result(s)
Jan Faves

Lovin’ Lately | January Faves

January has been exciting month for me. 14th’ Jan’ 2017 marked one whole year of my blogging journey. My son turned three on 24th so it was double celebration last month. The other reason to get excited was to try out loads of new products some of which were purchased on Boxing Day and New …

Monthly Faves

Sweet November | Monthly Faves

As most of you already know, I am back from India and ofcourse back to my blogging routine! November has been hectic as there was lots of shopping before I flew to India and there was no time to do much on blogging side. So, here I am sharing my faves for last month. Gerard …

Vincent Longo Cosmetics | Brand Focus

Vincent Longo Cosmetics | Brand Focus

About the Brand  Vincent Longo Cosmetics was founded in 1995 by celebrity makeup artist Vincent Longo. Esteemed for the luxurious, high-performance formulas and trend-led colour palettes, the brand revolutionized the glamorous and iconic supermodel era with style, technique and artistry. Since its launch the brand has been recognized for its creativity and inventiveness with editorial …