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Tips to clear congestion - Ms Tantrum Blog

Top Tips to clear congested pores

Congested skin can not just be associated with teenage. There can be hormonal imbalance, stressful lifestyle or other factors which can block pores leading to spots at any age. Here are my top tips to clear congested skin and some beauty favourites that can help in expedite the process. Internal Health Try to avoid dairy …

My top picks from Sachajuan

You might have seen me sharing about Sachajuan a lot of times on my blog and social media, as the products I tried earlier were really nice and I repurchased few of them. If you see my Bathroom shelf, you will always find some hero products from the brand. Sachajuan products were developed through a …

Most reached for in 2017

Believe it or not, I was not going to do yearly faves but there are certain products that clearly stand out of the crowd and I have been reaching for them so much. I thought even though its a bit late, I should share my yearly faves with you! As there were products that were …